2023 ASH Annual Meeting
The 65th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition, held December 9-12, 2023, in San Diego, California, featured plenary lectures, expert sessions, poster presentations, and much more. Find highlights from the sessions that are most relevant to oncology nurses.
Researchers developed and piloted a novel phone-delivered positive psychology intervention called PATH.
Nurse-administered and self-administered screening techniques can show different results.
Acute pain vaso-occlusive episodes are the top cause of emergency department visits among people with SCD.
Researchers said involving patients "is essential to improve participation and meet the real needs of the patient ...
A clinical trial nurse navigator at The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society discusses real-world data on CLL.
A randomized controlled trial evaluated an educational video on CAR-T in adults who were receiving the therapy.
Maria Elena Dela Rosa, NP-c, MSN, RN, of the City of Hope Medical Center, discusses why attending conferences is so valuable.
Abbey Fueger, BA, BSN, RN, CCRP, a Clinical Trial Nurse Navigator, speaks about her experiences.
The meeting featured poster presentations, plenary sessions, and more.
Dr. Gupta and colleagues conducted analyses in the safety populations of SIMPLIFY-1, SIMPLIFY-2, and MOMENTUM.
Dr. Ginzburg discusses MPN research highlights from ASH 2023.
The combination doubled the rate of SVR35 responses at week 24 compared with the placebo plus ruxolitinib.
All patients were “essentially phlebotomy-free" while on rusfertide treatment.
MPNs were also associated with major amputation at index hospitalization in this population of patients.
Yelena Ginzburg, MD, discusses findings from the phase II PACIFIC study of rusfertide.