2023 ASH Annual Meeting: Focus on GVHD
The 65th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition, held December 9-12, 2023, in San Diego, California, featured plenary lectures, expert sessions, poster presentations, and much more. Find highlights from the sessions that are most relevant to oncology nurses, including those with a focus on the latest treatment strategies for graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD).
Researchers observed a “trend towards a higher incidence” of CH positivity in patients receiving haploidentical ...
These algorithms can help clinicians and researchers understand a given patient’s risk of GVHD.
Researchers wanted to see if serum biomarkers remained relevant in patients receiving a certain type of GVHD prophylaxis.
Researchers evaluated GVHD outcomes with ALLO-647 in patients with relapsed or refractory LBCL or follicular lymphoma.
After controlling for patient age, older donor age was a significant predictor of worse GRFS.
The research “confirmed the significant effect” of ATG on certain GVHD outcomes.
MatchGraft.AI is an AI-based machine learning algorithm that can provide information to optimize donor selection.
Researchers evaluated the question because it is "currently impossible to give general recommendations" for rATG or PTCy.
Kirk R. Schultz, MD, FCAHS, speaks about what he is looking forward to at the 65th ASH Annual Meeting.
Researchers combined information on clinical symptom severity and biomarkers at day 14 of treatment to predict NRM.
A phase I study evaluated the T-cell reduced therapy with tacrolimus in the setting of reduced-intensity conditioning.
A prospective randomized trial evaluated post-transplant cyclophosphamide and abatacept as GVHD prophylaxis.
Researchers evaluated the Lee Chronic GVHD Symptom Score and multiple PROMIS subscales in patients.
An ASH speaker shares his insights on what clinicians and researchers are doing to minimize GVHD risks.
The median patient age at HSCT was 10 years, with a median observation time of 2.3 years.
The prophylaxis strategy significantly reduced the need for corticosteroid treatment of chronic GHVD.
A speaker presenting a talk on GVHD at ASH shares what nurses need to know about GVHD risks and preemptive therapy.
Researchers evaluated next-generation sequencing data from bone marrow samples collected at a maximum of 1 month before HSCT.
Researchers assessed the real-world outcomes of patients who had it detected through screening or through symptoms.
The outcomes of patients with high MAGIC algorithm probability scores were poor regardless of second-line treatment choice.
Flares of GVHD symptoms after "excellent responses" to treatment still occur in more than 20% of patients.